March isn’t just all about basketball. March is also when fishing tournament season is really beginning to get ramped up. Although February sees about a 300 increase in fishing contests from January. March has a 500 increase from the February and then April increases by 2,000 events. Tournaments continue to increase in May and reach their highest level in June when they total close to 5,000.
Warmer temperatures, longer days and melting ice on rivers and lakes are the obvious reasons why the number of tournaments increase but, continue reading to learn what types of tournaments are behind the numbers.
December historically has the fewest number of tournaments totaling in the 500 range. January sees a good increase from December primarily due to the number of ice fishing contests held in 22 different states. February is the first month where the beginning of long-established, well-known fishing circuits begin in southern states. Some of these include American Bass Anglers, Fishers of Men, Major League Fishing, Media Bass and U.S.A. Bassin.
In March, the fishing circuits just mentioned start holding events in more states and other regional and state circuits begin holding their events as well. Some of these include Heartland Anglers, Renegade Bass Tournaments, Carolina Anglers Team Tournaments and Xtreme Bass Series. There are also several regional and nationwide online tournaments that get started in March. These are a big contributor to the increase of competitive fishing opportunities in March.
April’s big increase in tournaments is due to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday bass fishing series beginning in at least 8 different states. Many smaller sized bass club also start their season in April and crappie, catfish, muskie and walleye circuits also start holding their tournaments in over 10 different states.
By the time May rolls around most fishing tournament organizations have begun holding events, from the largest circuits to the smallest clubs. What keeps increasing the number of contests are the many once a year events like a “walleye weekend” or a “catfish challenge” that take place all across America. Long running, multi-state offshore tournaments also begin. Examples are the MONGO Offshore Challenge, the On The Water Magazine Striper Cup and The Fisherman Dream Boat Fishing Challenge. Other tournaments for surf fishing, spear fishing and Bow fishing also are taking place.
March isn’t just all about basketball and with huge storms happening now across America with heavy rain, cold temperatures and heavy snow one might not be thinking too much about fishing but, March is the month when fishing tournaments really start to increase. By May there is probably a fishing contest that anyone can find to their liking. Find them all on